Indoor Climbing for Young People

Indoor climbing for young people is a Guernsey based initiative run in partnership with the Youth Commission for Guernsey & Alderney.

We introduce young people to climbing and focus on teaching them how to climb safely independently. They are also given the opportunity to participate in the Rock Skills Introduction and Intermediate courses, to gain their Indoor Climbing Assistant qualification and go on a climbing trip to the Peak District.

The weekly indoor climbing session runs on a Saturday during term time from 1000 to 1130 and is for those in Year 7 and up. It takes place at the indoor climbing wall in St Sampsons High. The group meet downstairs in the canteen at 0950 and then go up to the wall together.

Please see our Events page here for session listings.

Please email us if you would like to join the group, do not just show up! Numbers are limited and we will need a consent form completed before the young person can climb.