Indoor Climbing Assistant

The Mountain Training Indoor Climbing Assistant qualification is for those with competence in the basic skills of climbing who wish to assist qualified climbing instructors and coaches in the management of their sessions. Indoor Climbing Assistants are assessed as being competent in their role supporting qualified instructors and coaches but are not qualified to manage groups independently.

Indoor Climbing Assistants can have an inspirational effect on individuals, groups and communities. They work with participants and a range of others such as instructors, other climbing assistants, colleagues, volunteers, parents, teachers, youth workers and health professionals to ensure the climbing experience is the very best it can be.

We are big supporters of the Indoor Climbing Assistant qualification in developing and recognising our climbers’ skills.

Candidates must be at least 16 years old, must be competent in the basic skills of belaying, harness fitting and tying on, and have logged at least 5 indoor or outdoor climbing sessions.

The course involves a minimum of 6 hours contact time, and candidates will be trained and continuously assessed on the knowledge and skills required.

This course runs in the Peak District and Guernsey. Please see our Events page here and the Mountain Training Events page here for course listings and costs.

The Mountain Training page here gives further details of the qualification and is essential reading for candidates.

In 2024, the course will run on the following dates:

  • Guernsey: 17 August

Please email us if you would like to book on a course.