Hill Skills

The two day Mountain Training Hill Skills course is your key to getting started in countryside and moorland walking. There is no experience of hill walking required to attend a Hill Skills course because the content of the course is aimed at beginners. If you do have some experience of hill walking but aren’t confident about planning walks, navigating and understanding the equipment required, then the Hill Skills course is an ideal way to learn.

For those wanting to do their Lowland Leader qualification, completing the Hill Skills course is an alternative to logging 10 days of walking as a pre-requisite to registering for the scheme.

We never want cost to be a barrier to participation so there are a range of bursaries available. We are familiar with working with a variety of needs and ensuring that our courses are participant centred.

The course will cover the following topics:

- Planning: how to successfully plan a hill walk in the UK or Ireland.

- Walking skills: what things should you consider while out walking and what can make life easier (pace, nutrition, movement skills etc.).

- Clothing and equipment: being suitably dressed and equipped can make the difference between a great day out and a complete disaster.

- Weather: how it affects the hills and your day out.

- Navigation in the hills: everything from selecting a compass to navigation strategies and an intro to GPS.

- Environmental knowledge: how to minimise your impact on the hill and information on good practice and useful organisations.

- Hazards and emergency procedures in the hills: how to respond to any hazards you encounter and what to do in an emergency.

This course runs in the Peak District. Please see our Events page here https://www.climblbg.org.uk/events and the Mountain Training Events page here https://mt.tahdah.me/legalentityprovider/event/210768 for course listings and costs.

The Mountain Training page herehttps://www.mountain-training.org/england/scheme-information/hill-skills-info/ gives further details of the course itself and its benefits.

In 2024 this course will run in the Peak District on the following dates:

  • 15 & 16 February

  • 14 & 15 March

  • 18 & 19 April

  • 16 & 17 May

  • 13 & 14 June

  • 18 & 19 July

  • 12 & 13 September

  • 17 & 18 October

  • 14 & 15 November

Please email us if you would like to book on a course.