Our Values

Our values reflect those of a charity started by climbers with a love for climbing, an appreciation of the gifts it had given them, and a desire to share it with others.


Sharing climbing and the outdoors is at the very heart of what we do. We believe that everybody should have the opportunity to grow and find progression in what they are doing and in what they believe is possible. We seek to be influenced by our clients, truly working alongside them in their climbing experience.

Provide the best experience

We strive to provide the best experience for our clients. We do this by making sure our activities are tailored to the needs of our clients and that we always follow best practice. We seek to work alongside our clients, using our knowledge and experience to develop new perspectives around what is possible for them and us.

Self discovery

We want to positively shape the self-learning that occurs when climbing; how we cope, what we do when feeling under pressure, how we work towards a goal, what are the barriers (real or perceived) that influence our growth. We believe that many barriers that we experience in achieving our climbing goals are representative of other barriers in our lives. Growth and learning in climbing, mirrors growth and learning in life and lifestyle.

Not bound by convention

We strive to challenge closed mind sets, both personal and societal, as to who gets to climb and access the walls, crags and mountains, and how. Much of the fun and success lies in growing with the people we climb with, adapting, creating, and shaping what’s ahead, to make things possible.

To Influence

Our vision is to influence broader systems and establishments that work within the outdoors to make climbing truly accessible to all. We believe it is imperative to use our learning and experience to challenge the status quo and the structures that might seem beyond the reach of many people; to tackle inequality and the barriers to accessing climbing and the outdoors.