Climb Mentors

Climb Mentors is our free, two year mentorship scheme.

Every climber’s journey is unique, and with this scheme we commit to supporting our climbers for two years, in whatever direction climbing takes them. We believe that everybody should have the opportunity to grow and find progression in what they are doing and in what they believe is possible, and Climb Mentors is our scheme to support that.

A Climb Mentors journey starts with getting to know each other, committing to a mentoring agreement and agreeing some initial goals. For some it is becoming independent indoor climbers, for some it is progressing to climbing outdoors and lead climbing, and for some it is gaining a qualification - and for others it is all this and more! It does not need to be limited to your personal climbing aspirations, maybe you just want support in starting and running your own community climbing group? Together we will agree on the best way to support you and will work alongside you in your climbing experience.

Once you have completed your goals you are welcome to remain in, and climb with, the Climb Community. Conversely, there is no obligation for you to remain in the scheme if it is not for you.

If you would like to apply for the scheme, please apply here [insert link].

What will your journey be?

The scheme operates under the following guidelines:

The purpose of the Climb Mentors scheme is to support climbers in their climbing journey in a clear, transparent and structured way.These guidelines set out information about how the scheme operates.

Each mentoring agreement is intended for a finite two year time period. The mentee can terminate the agreement at any point, in writing, if they so wish.

At the outset of the relationship an initial meeting will be held, ideally in person, to learn more about the mentee and their initial thoughts around their climbing goals.

Three follow up meetings will be held each year, virtually or in person, to reflect on the climbing journey so far and set further goals if required.

Climb provide a range of in-house courses (Learn to Lead Sport, Learn to Lead Trad and individualised, focused sessions) and Mountain Training courses (Rock Skills Intro, Rock Skills Intermediate, Indoor Climbing Assistant and Hill Skills). Climb also run regular mileage days which are simply opportunities to get out and gain experience, as well as instructed group sessions.

The mentee is given the opportunity to attend Climb's courses, as well as join in on mileage days and either participate or assist with group sessions.

In general, Climb charges for attendance on courses, but a variety of bursaries are available up to 100%, depending on the participants' circumstances. We never want cost to be a barrier. There is no charge for mentoring meetings, individualised sessions, mileage days or group sessions.

Climb does not pay for Mountain Training registration fees, candidate fees, travel or accommodation fees. We can provide climbing equipment if required.

Mileage days will usually involve climbing with other mentees or clients of Climb, sometimes without the direct oversight of an instructor. Mentees will need to take responsibility for their own actions and are required to be a member of a mountaineering council to be covered by third party liability insurance.

Assisting with a group session will require the mentee to obtain a DBS, sign the Climb Code of Conduct, and complete an induction.

At the end of the mentoring period, a closing meeting will be held.